Wedding Resources on the Sunshine Coast
We are very proud of our wedding awards, the result of our hard work and attention to details. We want you to have the best possible wedding, to help make your planning easier here is a list of local suppliers that specialize in providing wedding services for the Sunshine Coast.
Make Up Artists
Tara Cowie | Tarasbeautylounge.mysalononline.com | 778.870.7592 |
Save The Date | www.savethedatebeauty.com | |
Truly Beautiful by Julia | www.trulybeautiful.ca info.trulybeautiful@gmail.com |
604.741.1726 |
Hair Stylists
Hair Matters | www.hairmatters.ca | 604.740.8197 |
Salt Hair Celine | @salthair.co | 604.989.4568 |
Truly Beautiful by Julia | www.trulybeautiful.ca info.trulybeautiful@gmail.com |
604.741.1726 |
Cheeky Monkey Cakes | www.cheekymonkeycakes.ca cheekymonkeycakes@gmail.com |
Sweet Athena | www.sweetathena.ca | Insta: @sweet.athena sweetathenacakecompany@gmail.com |
Claytons Bakery | 604.885.9823 |
Gibsons Florist | www.gibsonsflorist.ca | 604.886.7795 |
Ann Lynn, Ann Lynn Flowers and Gifts | www.annlynnflowersandgifts.com | 604.885.5801 |
Weddings By Sasha | weddingsbysasha.ca | |
Coastal Weddings | www.coastalweddingandevents.ca | 604.740.0573 |
Rain Florist | rainfloristbc.myshopify.com |
Marriage Commissionaires
Please find the complete list of commissionaires on the BC government webpage.
Music and Entertainment
Apasionado- DJ Services- Randy & Lori | rraymond1@gmail.com | 778-487-2006 | |
Dancetrax Entertainment, DJ Services – Andy | www.dtxent.ca | 778.888.2119 | |
Randy & Lori- Music Duo, Multi-instrumentalist | rraymond1@gmail.com | 778-487-2006 | |
Johnny Besso, Guitarist | www.johnnybesso.com | ||
Adam Woodall | adamwoodallband.com | ||
Zonolite | zonolitemusic.weebly.com | ||
DJ Mary Mac | djmarymac.com | ||
Alex Devitt, Bagpiper | alexdevittbagpiping.com | 778-847-9420 |
Photographers and Videography
Courtney Munsoncmunsonphotography@gmail.com
Kaili’i Smithwww.liiphoto.com
info@liiphoto.com 604.213.8644
Jennifer Picard: Photography and Film | www.jenniferpicardphotography.com | 778.238.8444 |
Sean McLachlan: Photography and Film | www.mclachlanstudios.com
seanjamesmclachlan@gmail.com |
778.549.7398 |
Rebecca Brackett: Videographer | RebeccaBrackettvideography@ |
778.991.5022 Insta: @visualsbyRebeccaBrackett |
John Bello: Photography | johnbello.ca | |
Lindsay Henwood: Photography | www.loveseaphotography.com linsayhenwood@gmail.com |
Jennifer Kennedy, Kennedy Photografik | www.kennedy.photografik.com jennifer@kennedycorp.ca |
604.485.1216 |
Jeff & Cat, The Apartment Photography | www.theapartmentphotography.com hey@theaptm.com |
Insta:@theaprtmentphoto |
Chanelle Walker Photography | Insta: chanellewalkerphotography | 778.688.2740 |
Party Rentals
Gibsons Party Rentals | www.gibsonspartyrentals.com | 604.886.0838 |
Tattle Tales Party Decorating/Rental | 604.886.9776 | |
Rent it Canada, Sechelt | 604.740.3268 |
Wedding Decor & Planners
Coastal Weddings | www.coastalweddingsandevents.ca | 604.740.0573 |
Weddings by Sasha | www.weddingsbysasha.ca</ | 604.741.8281 |
Lavish Engagements | www.lavishengagements.ca | 250.702.7389 |
Sweetheart Events | sweetheartevents.ca | 778.988.9384 |
Nanny Services
Canadian Nannies | canadiannanny.ca/nannies/sechelt/british-columbia | |
Nanny Services | nannyservices.ca |
Shuttles Services
Sunshine Coast Circle Tours | www.sunshinecoastcircletours.com | 604.740.0703 | |
Sunshine Coast Connector | www.sunshinecoastconnector.ca | 250.775.0035 |
Float Plane Services
Sunshine Coast Air | www.sunshinecoastair.com info@sunshinecoastair.com |
604.740.8889 |
Harbour Air | www.harbourair.com | 604.885.2111 |
Please contact us for reservations – 778-280-8610, lodge@wcwl.com or use our Book Now tab at the right of your screen